Ice rocks

Ice rocks
Hiking along ice rocks and a glacial lake with the mountains in the background

Me and glacier Grey

Me and glacier Grey
Me in front of a glacier in Torres del Paine Chile

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Still Heading South

We hung out in Huachachina (sp?) for a few days before we decided to go to Arequipa. Huachachina was really nice, it is an oasis surronded by sand dunes. There is sand boarding and buggys everywhere. After two days there is nothing else to do; the town is so small, we walked around the whole city in ten minutes. It was originally built as an oasis for the wealthy to escape, there were some colonail looking buildings around the lagoon but a few that were out of comission. We ate a bunch of different food- sandwiches, lasgana, pizza, french fries, burgers and NO rice, it was GREAT!! We sat near the pool, but did not swim becasue I hurt my toe and did not want it to become infected by any strange something that could be in a Peruvian pool. And to top that off we did not bring bathing suits with us! I do not know why we decided not to bring them. Our pack weighted 28 pounds, that is very light for six months of traveling we could have squeezed in a bathing suit. We just didnt forsee a pool or clear lakes to swim in. So, now we have to buy one or have my lovely parents send me one of my own. The other item we both wish we would have bought were tevas or keens those sandel shoes that can be worn any where and would protect my toes from the rocks that sometimes jump out of no where.
On a more philosophical note Jason and I have noticed and now dubbed the Peruvian White Pant Revolution. This is the more upscale Peruvian individual that shows what they have by wearing it on there body generally there legs. We noticed these people few and far between in Ica and Pisco, but in Huachachina there were plenty. It is so interesting to notice a social class just by the color of their pants. Women here from age, one wear high heels and often the higher the heel the classier or wealthier she wants to project herself. Some women can hardly walk in their heels. And many of the streets are not paved, they are dirt and cobble stone, these women are CRAZY! So, more on the Peruvian White Pant Revolution as we research further in Arequipa. We leave tonight at 8pm and should arrive around 9am tomorrow morning.
Sending all my Love from South of the Equator


  1. Ohhh I want to go sand boarding!
    I love you! Thanks for the updates! :)

  2. Amanda-
    Your picts are GREAT. I can C UR having a gr8 time, wish I was there! Travel safe and have fun! Love You - Aunt Les

  3. Forgot 2 say Thank-you for the post-card. Isn't it fun experiencing the different cultures and seeing the wonderful sights! Lots of Love -
    Aunt Les
