Ice rocks

Ice rocks
Hiking along ice rocks and a glacial lake with the mountains in the background

Me and glacier Grey

Me and glacier Grey
Me in front of a glacier in Torres del Paine Chile

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First few days in Lima

We arrived here in Lima after midnight, because our plane was delayed before take off. It took 7 and half hours to get here and for some reason we did not get out of our seats to use the restroom. On the flight we were fed cheese raviols with meat sauce and then four hours later a turkey and lettace sandwich. Where Jason and I traded turkey for lettace. He ate double turkey and carrot sando and I had double lettace and carrots, it turned out to be not so bad. After landing we were picked up by a guy who works for the hostel and taken to Pirwa the hostel where we are staying at. The people here are nice and only speak a bit of broken english. So our spanish has already improved.
We slept in a dorm style room one the first night, because of some confusion, then the next day moved to a private room with two twin beds, where mine smell like pee!! (Mom, you could NEVER stay in a hostel because there is other peoples hair everywhere) So, I made jason share :) We went out the first day in Miraflores the district of Lima we are staying in. We walked around the park and ate some pizza, which tastes nothing like pizza in the states. The bread here is different, it is sweeter, but good and Jason thinks it smells like eggs. We have not eaten a ton, just a bananna for breakfast and a late lunch, we are slowly working our way into the new food.
Today we went to el centro, the Plaza de Armas, it was pretty, everything was yellow. There were tons of police with shields ready for battle at any second. Jason suspected some guy was watching us so we moved around a few times. When we were on the church steps we bought a map and partook in our first real hageling!

For lunch we ate some chicken with rice and fries and a salad. I gave Jason my chicken and we were both too
afraid to eat the salad because of everything we read (ie bugs from people not washing their hands). The bus ride to get from Miraflores to el centro was one sole (s1). And it was quite an experience!! The bus is more of a vw van than a bus, with seats meant for people 5 feet six inches or less. Our knees where fully pressed into the seat in front of us and Jason had one leg in the esile. The people drive here like they are 15 mins late, which is ironic for a laid back culture. Everyone honks there horn at everyone else for absloutly everything!! The city smells like smog and fuel everywhere mixed with some plesant parts that smell of rottten fish. The city is just not for us. We will stay here till Thursday then take a bus from here to Pisco which should be about s14 and take 4 and a half hours.
I want everyone to thank there spacebar for working, because at this computer you have to drop bows for a space after every word. haha
Sending all my love from Lima

1 comment:

  1. I love you and your descriptions of the food you're eating! Its good that you're able to trade with Jason so you don't have to eat meat. Have you seen any quinoa based foods yet? I can't wait to hear about the exotic dishes!
    Are you taking lots of pictures? I am sure it's hard to load them if the internet is slow or you have to pay by the minute, but I can't wait to see them :)
    I got your text saying that you were in Pisco, I think you should try WOOF-ing! Keep up the texts and the blog updates! I love you!!!!
