Ice rocks

Ice rocks
Hiking along ice rocks and a glacial lake with the mountains in the background

Me and glacier Grey

Me and glacier Grey
Me in front of a glacier in Torres del Paine Chile

Friday, March 12, 2010


We have now been in Pisco for over two weeks and things have had there ups and downs. Pisco is a very poor yet fullfilling place. We moved into to the Pisco Sin Frontares (PSF) house on the roof in our tent. We had to deal with some serious wind getting the tent up at almost 6pm, but we managed and nothing blew away. We began work the following day digging a trench in El Melino a very poor community of Pisco, where there homes are made of tarps and asteria (bamboo woven together). They do not have running water or toilets in there homes , they have a few community water spickets that are only on for a few hours during the day. The trench we dug was for a water supply to the community bathrooms 2 toilets and 2 showers for everyone to use. It was a great day getting dirty and really experiencing manual labor. However it was heartbreaking to hear that the pipe that was layed was sealed together by heating up the two ends with a lighter and then holding them together. I am not a plummer and I have very little skill, but I do know that was a bad idea and not a long fix. Of course they burried there lighter fused pipe and I esure you it will burst in the near future. This is just one example of how I have seen PSF or maybe even Peru in general operate.
Nothing is a perment fix it is all half assed and temporary. Another huge problem in the pisco area, there is no landfill. There is no central location for everyones waste to go and therefore there is trash EVERY WHERE!! I get really frusterated because we do beach clean ups and then watch the little kids eat there popcicle and drop the wraper on the ground. Until there is a central dump how do we expect to change the mentality of these individuals? Is it a luxuray to not live in trash? I think I have decided it is. This was only our first two days here.
We have been taking spanish lessons, forgeting to take enough pictures, eating good food and becoming really tired of rice. We are going to stay in Pisco for at least another week because Easter is a huge deal in Latin America and everywhere will be packed and charge twice as much money, because everyone who can travels and has the whole week off.
I was really sick for almost a week and feeling better now I am taking antiboitcs and eating bland food. It is lovingly called Pisco belly something like food poisoning but worse!!
Our pizza is almost here. Hope all is well in the states! Sending my love from South of the equator!!!

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